Интерактивные истории, текстовые игры и квесты
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"What is my name? Oh sorry I don't think you can pronounce that... You are a human and only fish and and my people can pronounce those sounds. For you it will sound just like bubbles in the water. So I don't even know how you can call me..."
Maybe I can call you Bubbles then?
"Bubbles.. Hmmmmm ..."
The creature looks confused, but after thinking for a few seconds, she turns to you, smils and says
"You know what? I like that name! Okay, call me Bubbles and I will call you... a Human! Yes, yes, okay, yes, that will be fine!"
You try to tell her your real name, but she doesn't listen. So you decide to move on.
Let's explore the city!
"Oh a cafe... Yes, that would be great, I'm really hungry. Let me treat (угостить) you to my favorite meal! It is really tasty, I hope you will love it! Follow me."
You follow Bubbles through little streets of this big city. You see many signs on the buildings, but you cannot understand anything. So these creatures must have their own language. But why do you understand Bubbles? There are so many questions. You just cannot relax and it looks like Bubbles noticed that.
"Are you okay? You look sad... Don't worry, I really know a person, who will help you. But for now lets have some fun! Imagine, when will you have a chance chance to walk in an underwater city with someone who looks like me?
After bubbles said that you really feel better. You can do nothing, so let 's just explore this strange world.
follow Bubbles
You finally see a cafe in front of you. Bubbles is clapping her hands and laughing. She again looks happy. You notice something strange about the cafe. You decide to ask Bubbles about it.
"Hey Bubbles, where are all the people?"
"Oh, dont worry. they are working right now. It is daytime, many many people work in the fields: some grow fish, some grow seaweed... I am too little to work there, so I just play alone in the city. The cafe is empty but it still has the best chef under the whole ocean. Just look at him. Come here, look look, look.."
Bubbles comes near a door with a small window in it and looks through that window. You decide to also look there. You see a huge octopus cooking something in the kitchen: it uses all of its eight legs to cook very fast.
"Isn't it cool?"
To be continued...
"Oh, a zoo. Do you like animals? I do! I love petting fish on its head, fish are always cold, and they swim so fast! We have so many different fishes in that zoo, I hope you will love it! Follow me"
You follow Bubbles through little streets of this big city. You see many signs on the buildings, but you cannot understand anything. So these creatures must have their own language. But why do you understand Bubbles? There are so many questions. You just cannot relax and it looks like Bubbles noticed that.
"Are you okay? You look sad... Don't worry, I really know a person, who will help you. But for now lets have some fun! Imagine, when will you have a chance chance to walk in an underwater city with someone who looks like me?
After bubbles said that you really feel better. You can do nothing, so let 's just explore this strange world.
follow Bubbles
Finally you see an entrance to the zoo in front of you. There are big colorful gates. You just stand there in silence for minute, looking at those gates. Then Bubbles touches your shoulder and tells you:
"Hey, the most interesting part is behind those gates! Why are you standing here like a statue? Come on in!"
You make a few steps into the zoo and the view is surprising. You see that this zoo is huge! There were so many different fish... But there are no cages and all the fish there are just swimming around.
"Oh, I know who you should meet!" Bubbles takes your hand and swims deeper into the zoo.
To be continued...
"Oh, I love riding seahorses! Sometimes they can be angry, but usually they are very relaxed! Just don t be afraid and everything will be okay. I hope you will love it! Follow me."
You follow Bubbles through little streets of this big city. You see many signs on the buildings, but you cannot understand anything. So these creatures must have their own language. But why do you understand Bubbles? There are so many questions. You just cannot relax and it looks like Bubbles noticed that.
"Are you okay? You look sad... Don't worry, I really know a person, who will help you. But for now lets have some fun! Imagine, when will you have a chance chance to walk in an underwater city with someone who looks like me?
After bubbles said that you really feel better. You can do nothing, so let 's just explore this strange world.
follow Bubbles
You follow bubbles to some kind of a field. There you see a lot of seahorses, but they look unusual... These seahorses are very, very large. They are bigger than you! You've never seen a fish that big before, so you stand there and watch them. The seahorses are just swimming around and eating seaweed.
Bubbles comes close to you:
"Aren't they pretty? Yes, they are. Do you want to pet one of them?"
You are you are scared, but you decide to try it anyways. You ask bubbles to come with you. She laughs:
"Don't be afraid! They don't bite, they are very cool. Come here!"
You come close to one of the seahorses and you carefully put your hand on its head. The seahorse made a strange sound. You don't understand what that means, but you decide to stay still (стоять ровно, не двигаясь), so you look at Bubbles.
She smiles at you and says "This seahorse likes you!"
To be continued...
You move the seaweed and there...
You see a huge underwater city. It is full of different buildings, and far, far away you notice something that looks like a castle.
You are looking around to see as many things as possible. A few minutes later you hear the voice.
"Hehehe, I knew that you would like the view. But that is not all. Look behind you! Don't be afraid!"
turn around
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"Here lives one person, who can help you. I hope so... But I don't know if we want to go there right now... Maybe we can have some fun before that? I know many interesting places!"
The creature looks nervous, like she doesn't want to go there.
Wait a minute... you've been calling her "a creature" for a long time. You don't know her name!
Wait, what as your name?
Yes! I'm so glad you've decided to walk with me! I know so many cool places! We can go to a cafe, we can go to the zoo, or maybe we can go and ride seahorses! So mach fun, so many interesting things to do!"
Bubbles can't stop talking, and one moment you cannot understand her. She's swimming in circles around you like you are a Christmas tree. She looks really happy. You decide that a little walk shouldn't do anything bad, so now you have to choose where to go.
You turn around and see... nothing.
"Don't look that way, I'm here, hahaha"
You turn once more and see a cute sea creature. It looks like a girl with fish tail and fins.
"Do you like how I look? I look this way only in the city, because the water here is special. This place is safe and in other places we have to hide! That's why you didn't see me before!"
The creature laugned cheerfully.
"Okay what should we do next? I have some ideas, but the choice is yours!"
Wait, what is your name?
Why are we here? I forgot...
An old owl
Under the sea. Chapter 2.
Your strange journey continues...