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You don't look like you live under water! But you are under the water, this is wrong. You have hair, and arms, and legs, and lungs! You breathe through the lungs? Wow... So strange. How do you get air here? You are not fish, you breathe differently...

Oh, I'm asking too many questions. Are you okay?

I don't know anything

How can I be under water

I remember nothing

Who are you?

My peple live there! We built those cities many-many years ago, only we can see them usually, but we can also show them to othes if we want to.

I think you will like my home! We have crabs and sharks as our pets! Isn't that cool?

That is cool!

Maybe you will just show me everything?

What?! No way, I have never seen something like you. Oh, someone, sorry, hahaha

So this is what humans look like... Hmmmmm. You are rather cute, though your proportions are strange! I know who you should meet! I have a friend who loooves humans! We need to show you to him!

By the way, what were those black thigs swimming around?

Those were diving costumes

Oooooh, costumes... The more you tell me, the more I think that humans are strange, hahahahaha. In a good way, I'm not laughing at you, I just need to get used to everything!

*You hear the voice quietly saying "Who would wear costumes under water? Did they want a masquerade?" The voice deffinitely din't want you to hear those questions. Will you say anything?*

Not for masquerade. Those costumes help us breathe under water.

Say nothing

Silly? Why? What did I do wrong? I just wanted to help. Sorry, but now I don't want to. Dad wa right when he said that we shouldn't trust humans. Goodbye.

*You don't hear any voices anymore. Just water and bubbles. You decide to move to the lights of that town, but you cannot find them.

A few minutes after you see a huge black dolphin. That animal looks into your eyes. It shows you to get on its back. You feel like you have no other choice. You hear the voice one last time*

Sorry that we didn't get along, but I still can help you get out of here! Stippy will get you to the surface. Bye. Again.

Climb on the dolphin

*The dolphin is slippery, but you manage to get on its back. The moment you are comfortable sitting, the animal starts to swim really fast.

For half an hour you are swimming through the ocean, you are looking around you. The ocean is beautiful! So many colours, so many dofferent fish and strange plants.

One momebt it all ends. The dolphin gets out of the water. It carefully swims towards the shore. You get down from its back. The sun is going down. The dolphin nodded his head at you and went back under water.

You aren't under the sea anymore. But there is a strange feeling, you have.

There still are many questions you can't answer, but you feel like you've missed the best adventure of your life.*

Try again?

*You quickly understand that you shouldn't have said that... The voice starte talking. Talking a lot. The voice is telling you so many stories, that you get confused really fast. After 15 minutes you understand nothing, but the voice sounds so happy, that you don't want to interrupt it.

One hour later*

Wow, what a story! And I have so many more, like that one, when my buddy decided to ride a whale...

Wow, wait! How about you show me everything, instead of talking about that?

Oooooh, that is a good idea!! Let's move on, right now! Follow my voice!

follow the voice

Who am I? Really? Right now this question isn't very important. Oh... You can't see me? That doesn't matter, let's just try to send you home...somehow

So what is you name?

I don't remember

But you don't need anything to breathe here.

And you are a human.

That is very strange.

*The voice disappeared for a few minutes, but got back soon. Now the voice sounds worried.*

Hey, we should hurry. Let's go to the city, we need to get there as soon as possible. Come on, follow my voice!

Follow the voice

*You said nothing

The voice disappeared for a few minutes, but got back soon. Now the voice sounds worried.*

Hey, we should hurry. Let's go to the city, we need to get there as soon as possible. Come on, follow my voice!

Follow the voice

Ooooooh, that's a problem. Wait. You are talking, so at least you know how to talk! That means you know something, hahahahaha!

Don't worry, we will get you out of here!

Look to your right. Yes! Do you see beautiful twinkling lights? Light blue... Yeeeees! Those ones! They are lights of the biggest under water city in the world!

There are cities under water?

Who lives there?

*You are walking under the ocean, that is very hard, so you walk slowly. The voice sometimes starts singing small songs. One moment it asks you:*

Hey, do you believe in magic?



Good, good.

Continue moving

Oh, me too by the way. Some people think it is real. I think it is just fairy tales for kids. And I'm not a kid! I'm 9 years old already. I am an adult!

Continue moving

*After a long walk under water you finally get somewhere.

You see a huge wall made out of seagrass. You feel a bit strange, you can only imagine what is hidden from your eyes.

The voice is excited.*

Come on! Let's go through the grass, it doesn't bite, hahahaha!

Move the grass

*You breathe in deeply and go through the grass.

You look around and see...*

I don't know. I don't think anything like that had ever happened before... Let's just go, we will find all the answers in the city. Follow my voice.

follow the voice

Oh... no memories, that's strange. I've never heard of something like that before. I don't know you, so I don't think I can help you remember everything, sorry...

How can I go home?

Oh, that's a good question. Look there.

look around

Where? I can't see you

Nooooooo, stop looking around! Stop right here. Like that! Look to your right. Yes! Do you see beautiful twinkling lights? Light blue... Yeeeees! Those ones! They are lights of the biggest under water city in the world!

There are cities under water?

Who lives there?

Oh, yes. I forgot about that. Don't move and look to your right. Yes! Do you see beautiful twinkling lights? Light blue... Yeeeees! Those ones! They are lights of the biggest under water city in the world!

There are cities under water?

Who lives there?

Of course! There are hundreds of cities and small towns in the ocean. We are really good at hiding from humans! We often see them, but you look different, by the way. Humans are all black and shining, they have no hair, and huge legs to swim well. Oh, oh and they have only one eye, but it is laaaaarge! They have strange pipes and they always wear backpacks!

Weird guys. By the way, why don't you look like that?

I am a human, we look like that

Those were diving costumes

Hahahaha, you're so silly!

An old owl

Who are you? You shouldn't be here!

Where am I?

Who are you?

Author: An old owl


Sometimes strange things happen and we need to chose what to do.

Under the sea

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