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Now talk to each other about why these classes would attract different people.

Now you are to talk about something together for about 2 minutes. Imagine that a family club is opening soon. Here are some ideas they are thinking about and a question for you to discuss.

First, you have some time to look at the task.


Now you are to talk about something together for about 2 minutes. Imagine that a town wants more tourists to visit. Here are some ideas they are thinking about and a question for you to discuss.

First, you have some time to look at the task.


Now talk to each other about why these ideas would attract more tourists to the town.

Now you are to talk about something together for about 2 minutes. You will see some ideas and a question for you to discuss.

Speaking (In pairs)

Choose a number.




Anastasia Chistilina


Now you are to talk about something together for about 2 minutes. Imagine that your friend is choosing a holiday resort for his summer trip. Here are some ideas they are thinking about and a question for you to discuss.

First, you have some time to look at the task.


Now talk to each other about why these facilities are important for a holiday resort visitors.